Funky Monkeys Out of School Club
We promote independence at mealtimes, encouraging the children to serve their own food at breakfast and after school snack time. Children are encouraged to butter their own toast, serve their own cereals, make their own wraps and sandwiches etc - This helps them to develop good level of independence.
After School Snack time
This is a social time where the children all sit together with the adults to have a snack and chat about their day.
We follow the Eat Better Start Better guidelines when creating our menu's. We always have a vegetarian option available and are able to cater for vegetarians or specific dietary requirements.
Breakfast Time
We have a range of sugar free cereals available alongside toast, butter and jam each day.
Children can choose Fresh milk, water or Fruit Juice as their drink.
Fresh fruit is available daily.
This is all available at the breakfast table where children choose their own time to come and have breakfast, often waiting until a friend arrives.